Project Overview

How does bacon get from the farm to your kitchen?  Prior to slicing pork bellies for packaging, partially-frozen bellies are pressed and trimmed to produce the highest yield of the best quality.  The two primary technologies utilized in the shaping of the pork bellies before the slicing operation are hydraulic and servo motor-actuated pressing rams. Understanding the energy utilization of the equipment is critical to the long-term sustainability of the machine design and the Provisur brand reputation in the food processing industry.  Quantification of the energy to shape the pork belly will be the objective of the first phase of the project. The overall efficiency of the machine platform can then be quantified through the assessment of the required energy consumed in the pressing operation. Based on this energy usage, alternative technology comparisons can be made to provide guidance to the machine and process design. This design and process guidance will provide direction to a second-year project activity to redesign the mechanisms to improve machine component life, as well as increase bacon yield.


  1. Observe and understand the process of bacon production
  2. Quantify energy consumption of a hydraulic press during production
  3. Develop recommendations for specific areas of focus within the processing chain to optimize press operation

Major Tasks

The major tasks of the project are outlined below.  These are nominal and are likely to change somewhat throughout the course of the year.  These are meant to illustrate the general nature of the work that the position entails.

  1. Site visit to bacon production facility
  2. Understand and document the operation of a hydraulic pork belly press in a laboratory environment
  3. Perform comprehensive energy audit of the hydraulic press system
  4. Perform component-level energy audit of the hydraulic press system

General Responsibilities of the Course

  • This class will be administered as a variable credit (1-3), P/F course. Students are expected to spend approximately 2 hours/week outside of class per credit hour working on their project. The credit load for this course must be negotiated with the instructor within the first week of the course and will depend on the time commitment by the student. Determination of 2964/4964 level will depend on specific expectations and commitments from individual students and will be negotiated with the professor prior to registration and/or within the first week of the course.

Major Deliverables

All student teams will have the following deliverables:

  • Weekly Meeting Minutes
  • Progress Reports
  • Spec and Planning Report
  • Design Review
  • Final Report
  • Final Showcase

Preferred Skills and Interests

  • good communication, writing, and presentation skills
  • food science
  • food packaging
  • sustainability/energy usage
  • controls
  • industrial systems
  • mechatronics
  • automation 

Apply here!